Musical Director

Sherry Berkley

Sherry is a Certified Sweet Adeline director with over forty years of barbershop experience.  She has been a director and assistant/associate director of five Sweet Adeline choruses.  Sherry started her barbershop career with The River Bend Chorus in 1982 and served as its assistant director, choreographer, and lead section leader.

In the early 1990’s, Sherry directed the Bonneyville Mill Chorus in Elkhart, Indiana and the Little River Chorus in Angola, Indiana from 1997 until 2001. Following that, Sherry directed the River Bend Chorus from 2001- 2013.  In 1996 she joined the Melodeers Chorus in Northbook, Illinois where she has served as assistant director, lead section leader (now bass section leader), music librarian, communications coordiantor and tape evaluator. 

During her years in Sweet Adelines, Sherry has sung in numerous quartets, most recently as the lead of Sublime Quartet, the 2022 Region 17 Third Place Medalists.  In addition, she has the honor of holding six International Chorus Championship gold medals with the Melodeers Chorus. Sherry has also been actively involved with Sweet Adelines Regional Management Teams, serving as Directors Coordinator, Education Coordinator, and Communications Coordinator in Region 3. In Region 17 she served as the General Education and Faculty Specialist, Education Coordinator and is currently the Communications Coordinator for both Regions 17 & 3

Sherry is retired as a pharmacist and pharmacy systems analyst (aka, pharmacy computer geek) and lives with her not-yet-retired husband Clay. She is also an avid knitter in whatever spare time she can find:-)

River Bend is honored to call Sherry our director as she brings her years of experience full circle, back home where it all began.
Copyright © 2025 River Bend Chorus